Heijmans N.V. (construction, property development and related activities) is pleased to announce that Ir. A.J.H.M. Stuifzand will be joining its Executive Board on 1 October 2003. Ton Stuifzand (1958) has been employed at Heijmans since 1994, joining the Management Board of the Division Heijmans Infrastructure in 1997. Before joining Heijmans, Mr Stuifzand worked for NBM N.V.
Ton Stuifzand´s appointment was communicated to the shareholders in April this year, and scheduled for the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders of 7 May 2003. Heijmans´ Central Works Council gave a positive recommendation regarding Mr Stuifzand´s appointment to the Heijmans Executive Board.
As of 1 October, the Executive Board will be composed as follows: Drs. G.H. Hoefsloot (Chairman), Ing. J.A.J.M. van den Hoven, Drs. D.A.M. van der Kroft and
Ir. A.J.H.M. Stuifzand.