In cooperation with Troostwijk Makelaars, AMVEST has sold approx. 600 houses. AMVEST is one of the largest housing investors in the Netherlands. To renew the portfolio, they decided to sell the houses in 14 clusters. The houses have been sold to private investors. The yield of the sales was approx. â⬠65 mln.
The largest part of the houses is situated in the Randstad, cities such as Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Amstelveen. But also housingcomplexes in Breda, Eindhoven, Heerlen and Middelburg were part of the tender.
According to Menno Maas, CEO of AMVEST, the current market situation is a good moment to further renew the AMVEST-portfolio and to position itself in a higher rent-segment. On one hand investors are very interested in buying housingcomplexes from AMVEST. On the other hand, AMVEST profits from the current housingmarket by buying houses which were initially built to be sold from the developers and turn them into houses to be let. Next to that AMVEST also has some own new developments coming up with a value of approx. â⬠1 bln.
According to Marijn Snijders, director of Troostwijk Makelaars, there is a large demand for housingcomplexes from institutional investors. A record number of mostly private investors joined the tender. The transaction prices conform to the pricelevels of tenders held in 2001 and 2002. Contrary to the top of the housingmarket, there is still a stable pricingdevelopment in the marketsegment between â⬠100.000 and â⬠200.000 which is pushed by a large demand from buyers and tenants. Besides that, investments in housing are a good alternative to other investment categories at the moment.
Source: AMVEST / Troostwijk Makelaars