Commerz Grundbesitz-Investmentgesellschaft mbH (CGI) has made a record start with its new globally operating open-end real estate fund hausInvest global. With a net equity growth of about € 500 million, the on March 1st introduced fund exceeds all expectations. Accordingly, hausInvest global is one of the most succesful introductions of investment funds over the last years in Germany.
The company leads back the major part of this result to the head distribution partners Commerzbank, DBV Winterthur and Berliner Bank. According to CGI, also free finance brokers contributed decisively to this success. “The extremely successful start of hausInvest global confirms the correctness of our decision to bring a new globally operating open-end real estate fund on the market right now”, says Arnold L. de Haan, Managing Director of the CGI. “Our goal for the running year lies in € 800 million. To this extent we are more than satisfied with the already obtained results. In this context we can also announce good messages regarding the real estate acquisition. After our first object acquisition in Manhattan a few days ago, two other contracts are about to be signed”, continues the fund manager. These properties concern a shopping center participation in Canada and a retail object in Prague. According to De Haan, the already brought in equity of the fund is almost completely invested in new real estate. “With the hausInvest global we set further on growth and will also reinforce the volume of our hausInvest Europe, that exists since 1972”, concludes De Haan.
Source: hausInvest