According to preliminary figures by Statistics Netherlands, the turnover volume in retail trade increased by 3.2 percent in July 2002 compared to the same month of the previous year.
More shopping days in July 2002 boosted retail trade. Prices and turnover also rose in the same period, by 3.2 and 6.5 percent respectively. In July consumers spent more than 6.5 billion euro on retail articles, an average amount of nearly 1000 euro per ousehold.
Sales textile supermarkets grow considerably
In July 2002, textile supermarkets saw their turnover grow by more than 11 percent compared to July last year. In the preceding months this branch also thrived. In the first seven months of 2002, turnover of textile supermarkets was up by more than 8 percent on the corresponding period last year.
Turnover in the DIY branch, consumer electronics and chemist shops also increased above average in July, contrary to the branches of household items and home decoration where the rise in turnover was very modest. Altogether, turnover in the non-food sector was 6 percent up in July 2002 on July 2001.
Volume rise food sector
In the food sector turnover volume grew by 4.1 percent in July, prices rose by 3.3 percent and turnover by 7.5 percent. Supermarkets, the largest group in the food sector, saw turnover rise by 8.3 percent.
(source: Statistics Netherlands)