The Planning Green Paper was published in December and represents a major shift in the UK Planning System. These changes are out to public consultation and will form the basis of the revised planning system that is to be enacted in the Queen’s Speech in November 2002.
The key change is to the complex hierarchy of development plans that currently overburden everyone who uses the planning system. The Government plans to abolish County level Structure Plans and local level Development Plans and replace them with Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) and Local Development Frameworks (LDF).
The revised Development Plan, to be known as the Local Development Framework (LDF), aims to simplify the planning system so as to be more user friendly. Although with the requirement for a document containing the main policies together with additional documents for detailed action plans for regeneration areas, development sites and key policy advise (affordable housing, design guidance and open space provision) there will no doubt be a plethora of information to wade through by the applicant.
(source: King Sturge)