In the first quarter of 2002 the turnover volume of the retail trade was down by 1.1% on the same quarter last year. The preliminary figures by Statistics Netherlands show that turnover during this period increased by 4%. Shopping was 5.2% more expensive. Prices were up substantially in food stores.
In the first quarter consumers spent 18.1 billion euro in the retail trade, an average of 2650 euro per household, of which 60% (1600 euro) was spent in the non-food sector.
Volume drop in food stores
In the first quarter the food sector has seen a 1.3% drop in turnover volume on the same quarter last year. Prices increased rather steeply, by 6.3% during this period. Turnover in the food sector increased by 4.9% during the first quarter. Super markets, the largest group within the food sector, saw a 5.3% turnover increase during the first three months. Specialised food stores such as greengrocers, butchers and liquor stores saw less of a turnover increase.
Non-food sector also has a decrease in volume
The non-food retail trade also saw a drop in turnover volume compared to the first quarter of last year (-0.9%). Prices in this period increased by 4.3%, turnover by 3.4%.
The DIY branch saw a relatively strong increase in turnover during the first quarter. The textile super markets and consumer electronics stores saw above average growth rates in their turnover. Ho me decoration stores had a drop in turnover during this period.
(source: Statistics Netherlands)