In advance of the publication of the 2001 annual figures on March 7, 2002, Macintosh Retail Group announces the following.
Turnover of EUR 810 million was generated in 2001, compared with EUR 803 million in 2000. The operating result fell from EUR 35.5 million to EUR 18.1 million. Net profit on ordinary activities totalled EUR 4.3 million (2000: EUR 18.3 million). Owing to a number of restructuring measures, a net extraordinary expense slightly in excess of EUR 20 million (2000: income of EUR 0.8 million) is anticipated for 2001. The total cash flow (net result + depreciation / writing down of fixed assets) is expected to be more than EUR 25 million, compared with EUR 45.2 million in 2000.
(source: Macintosh)