A 200.000 m² large shoppingcenter is being developed at Limbecker Platz in Essen for € 300 million. On the grounds of Karstadt, Karstadt Sport and SinnLeffers as well as approximately 8.000 m² of the former city grounds, 70.000 m2 of shoppingspace is planned.
This was announced on Tuesday in Essen by Karstadt and ECE. The KarstadtQuelle group will use 30.000 m² of this shoppingspace. For the other 40.000 m² 150 to 200 letters are yet to be found. In the middle of 2005 building of the two-stage planned project ‘Limbecker Platz’ will start. The first part of the project will open in the fall of 2007, the second in the year after that.
Source: Immobilien Zeitung