Last Friday the government published its Integral Vision IJsselmeer 2030, titled ?De koers verlegd? ?Change of course?). It presents future developments in the IJsselmeer, Markermeer, IJmeer and fringe lakes. Main changes are that surface water is to be preserved. This marks the end to a long historic process of land reclaiming projects in the IJsselmeer.
The government has taken future developments during the first half of the 21st century in to account, such as climate changes, land drops, the increased demand after sweet water, the increase in recreational use of the whole area and the increased pressure on land claims beyond the dikes.
The areas immediately surrounding the dikes will be protected land. However, there will be room for the development of all kinds of recreational activities in these areas, such as water sports. Yet, non-water related activities would be prohibited, such as hotels, restaurants and industry.
(source: Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management)