In VEB-magazine Effect of 14th September, the VEB analyses first half figures of 129 Dutch listed companies. Turnover, oprational result (EBIT), net profit and profit per share were analyzed.
On balance profits declined, whereby noticeably operational result (EBIT) was influenced by writeoffs on goodwill and extraordinary expenses, mainly restructuring costs.
Total turnover of the 129 Dutch listed companies increased by 4.5% to EUR 362 bln. A majority of the companies however (53.8%) realized a lower turnover. Total operational result (EBIT) of EUR 28.2 bln is down by 18.4% (2001: 34.6 bln). Net profit declined by 78.4 percent to EUR 4.3 bln. Financial companies show stagnating results due to writeoffs and a weak stock market.
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(source: VEB)