Land Securities has today received a resolution to grant approval from the Corporation of London's Planning and Transportation Committee for a landmark retail and office development at One New Change ...
For the first time this decade, asking rents for Class A office space increased simultaneously in 10 major global markets, according to preliminary year-end 2005 figures from CB Richard Ellis Research ...
Hannover Leasing, a prestigious mutual fund management company acting in the European financial and investment market and HB Reavis Group, the leading developer of commercial real estates in the Slova ...
Halverton Real Estate Investment Management, Frankfurt, has purchased the Hansepark in Cologne-Porz and three buildings in the Glinde Business Park close to Hamburg.The Hansepark in Cologne has 13,700 ...
The Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust is pleased to report that the Net Asset Value (NAV) per ordinary share at 31 December 2005 was 124.0p, representing an increase of 8.5% over ...
Simmons & Simmons has appointed a new real estate team to its Paris office. The team is led by Edouard Vitry, avocat and Chartered Surveyor MRICS, who will be responsible for the real estate pract ...
Citycon Oyj has acquired the remaining 26 per cent holding in the Myyrmanni shopping center and in addition to that the Valtari shopping centre in Kouvola at a debt-free purchase price of approx. & ...
After 13 years, Jens Engwall has announced his intention to leave his position as Kungsleden's Chief Executive. The search for his successor has begun. Mr. Engwall will remain in his position until mi ...