The Turkish Real Estate Summit VI, will gather local and foreign professionals on a two-days conference in Istanbul and topics including urban land development, global capital in Turkey, commercial r ...
Switzerland looks set to be the lowest yielding country in the IPD property universe for 2005 as returns advanced 5.2%, little more than the preceding year, according to IPD figures released yesterday ...
The Supervisory Board will inform the General Meeting of Shareholders on of the intended appointment of three new members of the Management Board of Corio N.V. as from 1 May 2006. The Netherlands Auth ...
VastNed Retail hereby announces with pleasure that Mr. Jean-Paul Sols was appointed, in succession to Mr. Reinier van Gerrevink, as president of the management committee (Chief Executive Officer) of i ...
Standard Life Investments, the global fund manager, today announced that the Standard Life European Private Equity Trust (SLEPET) was named Best Private Equity Trust in the Investment Trust Magazine A ...
Last week, the mayor of Portimão opened officially the 25,000 m²-sized Portimão Retail Park. The project was developed by Retail Parks Portugal S.A., a project partnership between TCN Prope ...
Today, ING Real Estate Investment Management announced the launch of a global Multi Manager business. This new business line, from the worlds largest specialist property investment manager, provides i ...
Forum Coimbra opens its doors on the 26th of April, with 48,000 m² of shops, restaurants, leisure and cultural facilities that will bring new life to the left bank of the river Mondego. Forum ...