The groundbreaking of COOP HIMMELB(L)AU's new premises of the European Central Bank has been celebrated yesterday in attendance of Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, Petra Ro ...
Capital appreciation in the UK commercial property market has softened to the shallowest levels since positive growth returned last August, at 0.8%, according to the IPD UK Monthly Index. April marks ...
ING Real Estate Investment Management (REIM) announces the appointment of Mr. A.H.P. Gratama van Andel, Mr. L.M.L.H.A. Hermans and Mr. G.C.J. Verweij as members of the Supervisory Board of the ING Dut ...
Real estate developer Paul Oberschneider, with joint-venture partner Satnam Europe, today secured the largest retail refinancing in the Baltic region, securing a 50 million loan on their Estonian re ...
The open-ended real estate fund providers represented by the German Investment and Asset Management Association (BVI) have put forward joint proposals to improve and enhance the long-term prospects of ...
European commercial property delivered a much improved euro-denominated total return of 3.7% last year, according to the IPD Pan-European Annual Property Index, compared to -11.4% in 2008. Stripping o ...
Gerald Eve is actually less pessimistic than IPF consensus forecasts for rental growth. Gerald Eve predicts rental growth of -2.2% for 2010, 1.6% for 2011 and 3.3 in 2012 as oppose to IPF figures of ...
Due to the strong demand created by its public offering of a 5 year bond with warrants, Banimmo announced that the maximum amount of 75 million was fully placed. The subscription period has therefor ...