Europa Capital LLP, the fund manager of Europa Fund III, announced that it has exchanged contracts with Dexia Insurance Belgium on the purchase of the Realex site on Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat, Brussel ...
As of July 1, the property located at W
As of July 1, the property located at Württembergische Strasse 40-49 in downtown Berlin has been transferred to BAUWERT Investment Group. Construction of the 85 million project is scheduled to star ...
Turkey's popularity continues to ride high with the nation where east meets west recommended as the best place to invest in property in Europe by the Global Property Guide Property Recommendations mid ...
TriGranit Development Corporation, the third largest retail developer in Europe, and Polish Public Railways has signed an agreement for the development of the Poznan new transportation complex. It wil ...
The city of Frederiksberg, Denmark, the Danish Foundation for Culture and Sport Facilities and Realdania announced MVRDV and ADEPT winner of the House of Culture and Movement competition in Frederiksb ...
Coopsette and Impresa Pizzarotti presented their new commercial center -Parma Urban District - planned by architect Mario Cucinella in Milan at EIRE 2010, at the Fiera MilanoRho. SIP area's new desi ...
Central and Eastern European (CEE) commercial real estate investment turnover totalled 783 million in April and May 2010, bringing the region's investment volume total for the first five months of t ...