In February 2002, as compared to February 2001, the volume of retail trade1 increased by 1.3% in the euro-zone2 and by 2.2% in the EU15, Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities in Luxembourg, estimates today. Compared to January 2002, sales3 rose by 0.5% in the euro-zone and by 0.6% in the EU15.
Annual variations
In February 2002, as compared to February 2001, retail trade of 'food, drinks and tobacco' rose by 1.3% in the euro-zone and by 1.6% in the EU15. The decrease of sales of food in specialised stores continued, this time by 2.7% in the euro-zone and 2.8% in the EU15, while sales in non specialised stores increased by 1.8% and 2.3% respectively. The non food sector gained 0.2% in the euro-zone and 1.7% in the EU15. Among the non food sectors, 'textiles, clothing and footwear' remained stable in the euro-zone and increased by 2.8% in the EU15, while 'household goods' fell by 1.3% in the euro-zone and rose by 0.7% in the EU15.
(source: Eurostat)