The Dutch Hoftoren took the price. And this might not be a coincidence because all over Europe high-rise blocks are popular again and still more projects are on the drawing board.
It was close race between a number of projects, however, the winner is the Hoftoren in the Netherlands said Managing director and partner Inger Egeskov, DTZ Denmark in her award speech.
The Hoftoren is 144 metres high and was finished in 2003. The building, situated in Haag, has been drawn by the British Kohn Petersen & Fox and houses today the Dutch ministry of education, culture and science. ING Real Estate has developed the property and Jerzy Hanczewski accepted the price on behalf of the developers.
'Thank you very much for the price. I was not at all prepared to win this over all these fantastic projects. At the same time I would like to thank the Nepix organisation for arranging all this' said vice president Jerzy Hanczewski who is from the Polish department of ING.
The winner got a lithograph by Marco Evaristti titled 'the Modern city'.
Source: Nepix