Earlier this week, the Dutch magazine Building Business presented the results of its Reputatie (Reputation) inquiry. In the category ‘developers’ TCN had the best overall score and has therewith the best reputation of developers in the Netherlands. With a slightly minor overall score, ING Real Estate ended up at second place.
The inquiry has been effected by reputation specialist Cees van Riel of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Some 4,000 people active in the Dutch real estate market were questioned about the reputation of 15 project developers, 10 consultancy agencies, 10 municipalities and 10 housing associations.
Other winners of the contest are Boer & Croon (category: ‘consultancy agencies’), the municipality of Almere (category: ‘municipalities’) and Woonbron Maasoevers (category: ‘housing associations’).
Building Business intends to continue its inquiry in 2005.
Source: TCN