According to the Utrecht Chamber of Commerce the competitive position of Utrecht and its region is in jeopardy. In the Netherlands Utrecht is performing well, but on a European scale the local investment climate contrasts violently with comparable regions in Germany, France and Flanders.
Utrecht ill performs mainly in the areas of employment, accessibility, housing supply, criminality and settlement conditions. A study by the Utrecht Chamber of Commerce shows that 31% of entrepreneurs in Utrecht will advise colleagues against settling down in Utrecht.
In order to improve the investment climate, the following actions are necessary:
- initiate innovation and knowledge based transfers
- improve accessibility drastically
- sufficient maneuverability for local economy in provincial planning
- improvement and enlargement of housing supply.
Both the business community and local and regional authorities will have to adapt a European attitude. It is therefore futile to put Utrecht on a European map, but Utrecht should rather function as a part of the Randstad in close cooperation with all authorities involved, large cities and the business community.
(source: Chamber of Commerce Utrecht)