In order to improve issues in cities such as living, working and housing environment as well as accessibility, an additional financial package provided by the State is required. According to the cities this package amounts to EUR 8.6 bln annually, of which the State should contribute EUR 3 bln.
This is the result of the study 'Urban Investment Requirements 2003-2014' which was assigned by the VNG (Dutch Association of Municipalities).
The cities base their requirements on an inventory of their investment requirements over the period January 2003 until January 20015. These estimated investments have been projected against increased ambitions of the various governmental policy papers.
The investments reflect investments in imporvment in housing and living environment, economic vitality, cultural heritage, sustainibility, safety and accessibility. Apart from governmental contributions the study also states that market parties, voluntary housing corporations, provinces, the European Commission and the municipalities themsleves should be prepared to invest in these schemes.
(source: Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten)