The largest shopping centres in the UK, those over 500,000 sq ft, have fallen out of favour with retailers reveals Donaldsons, the leading property consultancy in their annual Shopping Centre Index research.
The largest shopping centres showed the poorest performance with rents only growing by 1.5 per cent over the last year compared to the average for all shopping centres of 2.7 per cent and 5.7 per cent for high street shops.
The research also showed that the very smallest shopping centres, those below 75,000 sq ft, proved to the best investments with total returns of 11.5 per cent over the last twelve months - over twice the 5.5 per cent returns of the very biggest shopping centres. This is the first time that giant shopping centres failed to provide the best capital growth since they appeared as an investment class in 1990.
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(source: Donaldsons)