NCSC Nordic Awards 2024
Start: Wednesday, 18 September 2024
End: Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Category: Real Estate Event
Venue: Botta
Location: HELSINKI
Organiser: NCSC

NCSC Awards is an annual competition to celebrate the industry’s most successful, innovative, and creative efforts. It starts with national competitions in each Nordic country, whose winners then compete against each other in a Nordic Finale. The Nordic winners in four categories will be elected during a gala evening at restaurant Botta in Helsinki on 18 September 2024.

NCSC is the organization representing the industry of commercial spaces and communities in the Nordic market. NCSC was founded in 1986 and has members from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and other European countries. The list of members includes a wide variety of interest groups, ranging from real estate companies, tenants (retailers, F&B, commercial services, etc.), consultants, investors, trade associations, and city planners, to government and municipal authorities.