Uni-Invest N.V.: 2001 was an active year

During 2001 43 objects were acquired for a total of EUR 230 million. These acquisitions were partly paid for by revenues of sales and partly by the emission of new shares Uni-Invest N.V. The average issue price was EUR 13.85, well above the listed stock price. In total 7 objects were sold for a total of EUR 27 million, realizing a book profit of 29%.

Interests in Probus Estates Plc. and Uni-Invest Canada N.V. were also sold. Financial investments have increased to EUR 45 million, in accordance with the budget. Yield averaged between 12% - 13%.

Direct investment result grew with 14.9% to EUR 79.6 million mainly due to increased gross rental revenues and revenues in other investments, but also due to a relative decrease in rental charges and costs compared to 2000. Direct investment result increased to EUR 1.26 (2000: EUR 1.24) per share.

For further details please visit www.uni-invest.com

(source: Uni-Invest N.V.)

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