ICSC Hellenic real estate Seminar draws on Spanish experience (GR/ES)

Senior retail real estate professionals in Greece will learn how Spain's retail property industry is dealing with the recession at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)'s Hellenic Seminar, Wednesday December 15, 2010.

Acropole Charagionis

ICSC Hellenic National Committee Executive Chairman, Acropole Charagionis.

The event, being held at Ypatia Mansion, will be followed by a tour of the new Athenian Capitol – a commercial, recreational, educational and cultural center that is home to the first classic car museum in Athens.

ICSC, the global trade association of the shopping center industry, with more than 55,000 members, set up the ICSC Hellenic National Committee four years ago to support Greece's growing retail real estate industry, and supports members in Greece, providing connections and business opportunities as well as unique access to retail organizations and intelligence from across the world.

According to ICSC Hellenic National Committee Chair, Theodore Charagionis, Executive Chairman, Acropole Charagionis: "The Greek market can learn important lessons from Spain's painful economic experience."

The presentation will be made by Spanish civil engineer and economist Arcadio Gil, who in the early 1980s, was responsible for the construction one of Spain's most successful centers, La Vaguada Shopping Centre, Madrid. Since then, he has advised, leased, managed and sold more than 60 shopping centers across Spain and Portugal.

Mr Charagionis added: "Learning from the experiences of others in more mature markets is essential as we seek to trade through our country's current economic difficulties."

The event starts at 16.00 with a presentation and panel discussion followed by a networking drinks reception. Attendees will then have the opportunity to have a guided tour of Athenian Capital, the new shopping center and vintage car museum.

To register for the event visit www.icsc.org/2010GRE or call +44 20 7976 3102.

Source: Nicky Godding

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